I've been gone so very long....but I'm on my way back....after 4 months...some very difficult months of Health challanges ,I am finally on the Road to recovery and finding me...I celebrated my 55 year birthday this April..right smack in the tail end
of this life changing chaos that decended my life these months! During a birthday I usually think back on my life that year, what I did, didn't do, wanted to do, taking stock...a mental note of what my year was...and this one birthday brought to me soo many eye opening things about my life... that it was like a gift..a beautiful gift..the combination of the challanges I had and the Birthday, really hit home all the things that were working for me and those which no longer belonged in my life...things like my business, my Art, friendships, and even downsizing all my "stuff" all took on a second look.. a Spring Cleaning of sorts... for my life..looking at it carefully and ruthlessly making changes... so that I can stay on track..on that new road to Me... have you done any Spring cleaning lately??? looked at your life really looked at it...and ask yourself..am I on the right track???
I am happy to be back..slowly but surely ...I will be visitng your blogs of wisdom..and getting back into life again!!! Have a great day! Marlene